Carnatal 2006

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«Carnatal 2006

A bloco is, generally speaking, a group of people who get together to enjoy carnival.

In the Carnatal, there are commercial groups which own (or rent) a few big sound trucks (see below), hires a band or singer, then sells tickets (which are exchanged by a distinctive t-shirt called abadá) to those people interested in following the truck along the Carnatal circuit; the trucks, the band and the public, altogether, make a bloco.

Notice that a bloco can parade one or more days of Carnatal. When you buy an abadá, it is valid only for one specific day. Several people participate more than one day, and some people participate in more than one bloco each day.

carnatal 2006

The symbol of Carnatal 2006

Notice also that a bloco can have a different singer or band performing each day. If you attended Carnatal in the past and liked a particular artist, make sure he will be in the same bloco this year.
All bands and singers play similar music, but there are differences in prestige among them; usually, the more famous the band, the more expensive the abadá. Ivete Sangalo seems to be the most popular singer, and Chiclete com Banana the most popular band; as Carnatal gets more and more professional (and the public more and more demanding), it is guaranteed that all artists are very talented.

Traditionally, there is a bloco which goes out on Sundays which is aimed at children and young teens. This bloco, Alegria Alegria, plays music for children, moves slower and performs shorter; it usually goes only the 400 meters of the Corredor da Folia. All children must be accompanied by adults.

The blocos

Carnatal 2006 - Schedule

Below, a list of all blocos, with the respective performing artists (when available, a link is provided to the singer or band).

18:30 - Tô Seguro (Márcia Freire)
19:00 - Me Leva (Ara Ketu)
19:20 - Nana Banana (Chiclete com Banana)
19:50 - Burro Elétrico (Capilé)
20:20 - Caju (Jammil e Uma Noites)
21:30 - Cheiro (Cheiro de Amor)

18:30 - Nana Banana (Chiclete com Banana)
19:00 - Caju (Jammil e Uma Noites)
19:20 - Cerveja & Coco (Asa de Águia)
19:40 - Cidadão Nota 10 (Lane Cardoso)
20:00 - Bicho (Timbalada)
20:30 -Eva (Banda Eva)

17:30 - Nana Banana (Chiclete com Banana)
18:30 - Cerveja & Coco (Ivete Sangalo)
19:00 - Cidadão Nota 10 (Margareth Menezes)
19:30 - Bicho (Ricardo Chaves)
20:30 - Caju (Babado Novo)
21:00 - Eva (Netinho)

17:00 - Alegria Alegria (Marina Elali) - For children (accompanied by parents)
17:30 - Cerveja & Coco (Asa de Águia)
17:50 - Caju (Babado Novo)
19:50 - Eva (Vixe Mainha)
20:10 - Bicho (Ricardo Chaves)

The Trucks

carnatal trucks

Above, photos of one of the trucks (this is one of Banda Eva's) which carry the singer and bands around the Carnatal circuit.
Basically, the truck is turned into a mobile stage; in the lower floor, there are a power generator system, a small bar and a small toillet strucute; around the truck (particularly in the back), there are powerful sound speakers; on the top, the band and the main singer; even though there is little room on the stage, talented singers know to make it look bigger, by moving around and talking to the audience.
Notice that most blocos have two trucks. The main truck, described above, leads the way, carrying the band. Another truck comes a few hundred meters behind; this second truck, besides having bar and toillet, has stairs which lead to the top floor; this space is used by people who want to rest a little or to enjoy the party with a different view.

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