Natal to combat sexual tourism

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Sexual tourism is not welcome in Natal.

Natal was the first Brazilian city to work on a Code of Conduct of the Tourism Sector Against Sexual Exploitation of Infants and Adolescents.
The Code doesn´t have legal power, because only the Union can legislate on criminal law. However, it is important because it was constructed by 160 representatives of the all segments of the Government and the Civil Society, in a meeting held in Natal on 29th and 30th August 2001.

anti sexual tourismAdhesion to the Code is spontaneous, and is indicated by the use of an specific logo. Establishments who adhere to the Code commit themselves to, among others, "acting permanently against every act that might configure sexual exploitation of the child and adolescent, reporting to the competent authorities on all suspicious facs and activies, whenever possible indicating also the suspects."

The Tourism Board distributes copies of the Code to tourists arriving to Natal. The Code is published in six languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian, German and French. Click the next link to get the Code Against Sexual Exploitation in PDF format.

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