Religion in Natal

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There is no official religion in Brazil.
Most of population is Roman Catholic; evangelics have been the fastest growing group. There are also some protestants churches in Natal.
Below, some addresses:

Archidiocesis of Natal
Cathedral of Natal
Av. Marechal Floriano Peixoto, 674 - Phone 2114342

Evangelic Church Assembly of God
Rua Manoel Miranda, 251 (main) - Phone 213-6797
The biggest evangelic church in Brazil and Natal. There are several evangelic groups in Natal.

Federation Espirit of Rio Grande do Norte
Avenida Rodrigues Alves, 779 - Phone 211-8518

Av. Tulipas - Phone 231-7053

Methodist Ortodox
Av. Presidente Mascarenhas, 464 - Phone 653-2967

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