Gay and lesbian life in Natal

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Disclaimer: the information below in based mostly on daily observations by the webmasters. For a more insightful reading about this matter, check out the sources especialized in GLS life. A recommended site is Guia Gay Brasil, a guide which describes the scenery in several Brazilian cities; if you prefer, here is a link to the Natal section of the site.

The GLS community is growing stronger everyday in Brazil. Discrimination based on sexual option is a crime, and the civil liberties organizations are making the laws against sexual intolerance to be more and more effective. A law proposal is in the Congress to give to homossexual couples the same rights as of the heterossexuals.
Being a libertarian city, Natal hasn't seen any case of hostility against gays or lesbians. There's a cordial convivence between society and GLS community: the community behaves respectfully, the society respects the community; notice that smaller cities are more conservatives.
An authoritative guide published in Brazil (sorry, no version in the internet) classifies Natal as a two star city, out of three possible stars, in the attractiveness to the gay tourists. Fact is that the gay presence is easily notice in Ponta Negra beach and night life.

The tourism targeted to the GLS market is still very incipient in Brazil, even more so in the northern states; don't expect to find many businesses announcing their services especifically to gays, but it's unlikely you will be turned down.
Two places worthy mentioning: these businesses are listed in the above mentioned gay guide as being particularly friendly:
Natal Tel. 3217-6190

Pousada Castanheira
This is a nice hotel in Ponta Negra.

I will try to keep this page updated. If you have any comment or suggestion about this or any other matter, send me a message

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